2021 edition : The Meet-up Area


This year, Les Assises are creating within the Forum, the Meet-up Space. A place where for 30 minutes, a CISO will come to share with you and in a small group, his know-how and his experience on a key subject of cybersecurity.

7 presentations focused on the theme of the 2021 Conference: Back to fundamentals

Access by registration reserved for guests.


3:00 P.M - 3:30 P.M

Information System Monitoring: "Know thyself"

Moderated by Frédéric Jésupret Group Information Security Officer Allianz. Member of Cesin

There is nothing like checking what the tools, the "reports" say

In a changing world where new technologies are more and more easy to integrate, the easiest thing is to check.

Check what you think you have and what you might discover by performing independent checks on:

  • The active directory
  • Machines on the LAN
  • Websites

It is important to put in place regular controls in order to overcome the lack of information and human failures

4:30 P.M - 5:00 P.M

Integrating security into Secure / Privacy "by design" projects 

Moderated by Julien Bui, RSSI Department of Morbihan. Member of Cesin

What is the integration of security (and privacy) in projects? What are the basics to implement / communicate to your organization to ensure an appropriate safety culture? Which model (s) / methodologies to adopt? The case in the department of Morbihan.


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The basics of GDPR

Moderated by Paul-Olivier Gibert, President of the AFCDP 

2:00 P.M - 2:30 P.M

Who to contact in the event of a Cyber ​​attack?

Moderated by Nicolas Vielliard, Cybersecurity Operations Director, Danone; Deputy Secretary General CLUSIF

Here is the first presentation which I hope will be completely useless to you. Unfortunately, because problems don't always happen to others, in the event of a cyber attack, let's not be afraid to call a "friend" to help us. Let's see together who these "friends" are and especially when and how to contact them.

3:30 P.M - 4:00 P.M

Workstation protection: at the heart of a security strategy? 

Moderated by Paul Lemesle , CISO Group Lactalis; member of Cesin

“In a context where we are talking more and more about the disappearance of company borders, where“ zero-trust ”is on everyone's lips, where the cloud and BYOD are challenging the traditional patterns of access to the IS, the security of the workstation is at the heart of the concerns. Beyond the classic basics, what are the subjects to cover? ”.


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Operational dashboards / KPIs

Moderated by Benoit Fuzeau , RSSI Casden; Vice President Clusif

11:30 AM - 12:00 AM

Industrial IS Security

Moderated by Eric Kawka, OT CISO Eramet; member of Cesin